Athletes in Action
Faith is the foundation of maya’s life & she’s involved with several faith based charities.
Since her involvement on campus at UCONN, Maya has been a strong supporter of the AIA and believes that sport has the unique power to open doors and create connections in a way that few others things can. Ultimately, AIA’s goal is to see peoples’ lives changed as they discover God’s purpose for their life and Maya is thrilled to continue her work in support of the mission.

Live United
the united way envisions a world where all individuals & families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.
Maya is excited to partner with the United Way as their official Early Grade Reading Champion, working to raise volunteers and awareness for a worldwide issue very close to her heart: early grade reading proficiency. Coming from a family of educators, teaching and learning have always played a major role in Maya’s life and she believes that every kid deserves to be healthy and well educated.

End it Movement
Slavery still exists & maya is proud to support the end it movement.
The End it Movement works to raise awareness about the 27 million men, women and children living in the shadows in brothels, in factories, in quarries, working as slaves in 161 countries, including our own. Maya has taken the pledge “I’m In It To End It” and partnered with the End It Movement to shine a light on modern slavery and encourage others to give and take action to end slavery in our generation.